D MAS SUTUR, S.L. has received a grant for its self-consumption project "Photovoltaic installation on the premises that D MAS SUTUR SL has in Manresa" co-financed by the European Recovery and Resilience Mechanism PRTR-Next Generation EU, coordinated by the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico through IDAE and managed by the autonomous regions according to Real Decreto 477/2021, with the aim of achieving a cleaner and more sustainable economy. A self-consumption project has been developed with renewable energy sources, consisting of an installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof of the warehouse that D MAS SUTUR, S.L. owns in Manresa (Barcelona). The collaboration of the installation company MUNTATGES ELÈCTRICS DEL BAGES, S.A., S.L. has been required, which has a multidisciplinary team of engineers who analysed the installations in detail, providing the technical/economic solution that will bring greater efficiency and savings to the customer. In this project, 272 modules of 460 Wp have been installed with 2 inverters of 50 Kw nominal. These modules will be able to produce about 54,854.07 kwh per year of energy for the self-consumption of the company benefiting from the aid.